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Press On - Press On With New Ambition

Tom Mercer - 1/19/2020

As Christians, it is important to continuously develop your relationship with God. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians need to press on in their spiritual journey or they will move backwards in their faith. 

Press On - Press On With New Values

Tom Mercer - 1/12/2020

It is easy for people to place their worth in things other than God. In this sermon, we discuss how our purpose is found in people and our perfection is found in Jesus. 

2020 Special Services - All Things New

Lucas Cooper - 1/5/2020

We live in an imperfect world that is in need of Jesus. In this sermon, we discuss how God has invited us to join Him in making all things new. 

2019 Special Services - Following a Better Pattern

Brian Haney - 12/29/2019

Our broken world continuously tempts Christians to conform to its sinful ways. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians need to seek what pleases God, find satisfaction in His will, and follow what He defines as good. 

The Greatest Story Ever Told - The Greatest Hero Ever Born

Tom Mercer - 12/15/2019

Through the birth of Jesus Christ, Christians are able to know God and understand our mission. In this sermon, we discuss how God became human to die on the cross for us. 

The Greatest Story Ever Told - The Greatest Desperation Ever Felt

Tom Mercer - 12/8/2019

Before Jesus Christ came to Earth, there was a lingering feeling of desperation. In this sermon, we discuss how we must listen to God's messenger and give God the benefit of our doubts. 

The Greatest Story Ever Told - The Greatest Conflict Ever Fought

Tom Mercer - 12/1/2019

Conflicts are always difficult to deal with. In this sermon, we discuss how Jesus Christ came to earth to resolve a conflict that we are unable to resolve ourselves and how Christians should approach conflicts. 

Sermon on the Mount III - Build upon Faithful Truth

Tom Mercer - 11/24/2019

Throughout life, Christians will face trials that test their faith. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians need to build their foundation on God. 

Sermon on the Mount III - Protect Against False Teaching

Tom Mercer - 11/17/2019

In today's world, Christians must remain aware to ensure they are not listening to false teachers. In this sermon, we discuss the people that we hang out with and how to protect against false teaching. 

Sermon on the Mount III - Prayer to the Father that Never Fails

Erik Thoennes - 11/10/2019

Through Jesus, we are able to have a relationship with God. In this sermon, we discuss how the Christian life is characterized by persistent, expectant, and dependent prayerfulness.