Series Detail

What Matters Most

2/20/2022 - 4/24/2022

In This Series

Do you love me?

Kurt Thielen

When God restores broken people, it always starts with a commitment to follow Jesus.

We have Seen the Lord!

Todd Arnett

Jesus has been calling your name, inviting you to be forgiven because of the price He paid at the cross for you.

The Bond of Unity

Todd Arnett

For Jesus’ Church, unity isn’t something that we need to manufacture on our own, but something that we’re given that we, in turn, are called to nurture and steward.

This is Love

Todd Arnett

Eternal life for the follower of Jesus is something that you're living in now, today!

Lasting Joy

Jody Livingston

Help is on the Way

Mike Roberts

Talk is Cheap

Tom Mercer

Agape love is making the choice to do whatever it takes to help someone experience God's best.

Narrow Minded Confidence

Tom Mercer

Creation placed our focus on God’s power.

The Bible places the focus on God’s holiness.

Jesus placed the focus on the immensity of God’s love.

Love One Another

Todd Arnett