Series Detail

Real Love Real Life

6/21/2021 - 9/5/2021

The Epistles of John provide valuable information for the Christian life. The sermons in this series cover a range of topics from spiritual growth to how to identify an individual from the body of Christ. Over the course of twelve weeks, we focus on 1, 2, and 3 John to uncover different qualities of the Christian life.

In This Series

Real Legacy

Tom Mercer

It is important to make sure the right influences frame your future. In this sermon, we discuss how truth frames out lives and how the Gospel frames our goals.

Real Careful

Tom Mercer

As Christians, we are called to love others as God loves us. In this sermon, we discuss how we must love people because they have value, are vulnerable, and because your reward depends on it.

Real Confidence

Kurt Thielen

There are many elements involved in our spiritual lives. In this sermon, we discuss the different elements of real confidence found in the Lord.

Real Obedience

Tom Mercer

As Christians, our goal is to know the real Jesus and to authentically represent Him to a lost world. In this sermon, we discuss how we must love confidently, as a community, and as a champion.

Real Discernment

Jody Livingston

Discernment is the skillful wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit to help us determine what is true and what is false. In this sermon, we discuss how discernment recognizes the true attributes of the real love that we receive from God.

Real Resurrection

Tom Mercer

When we enter into a relationship with Christ, the way that we live changes. In this sermon, we discuss characteristics of a Christian life and the two highest priorities of the Christian movement.

Real Holiness

Tom Mercer

Real life requires us to renounce where we’ve come out of and embrace where we’re headed. In this sermon, we discuss how we will holy when we are perfected and how we can be holy in our practice.

Real Truth

Jackson Arnett

As Christians, we need to learn how to determine who are not Christians. In this sermon, we discuss different ways to identify who are not part of the body of Christ and how we must remain in Christ and on mission.

Real Growth

Tom Mercer

As a Christian, there are different levels of spiritual growth that you experience. In this sermon, we discuss each phase of spiritual growth and signs of Christian immaturity.

Real Love

Mike Roberts

We can only experience perfect and real love through a relationship with God. In this sermon, we discuss how real love clarifies out walk and talk. 

Real Light

Tom Mercer

The problem with the world isn't that non-Christians don't act like Christians. It's that Christians act like non-Christians.

Real Fellowship

Brian Haney

Christians are called to have fellowship with God. In this sermon, we discuss how real fellowship includes encountering the real Jesus and experiencing joy with a redeemed perspective, an empowered conviction, and a powerful proclamation.