Series Detail

Internal Operation

6/3/2018 - 6/30/2018

This series focuses on what Christians physically need in order to complete God's calling in their lives. From maintaining physical fitness to discovering the necessity of rest, this series will uncover the importance of physical health in a Christian's life.

In This Series

The Battle For The Body

Dennis Wadley

There is a lot of pressure to conform to the patterns of this world. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians must embrace their spiritual identity, confront their brokenness, and discover their spiritual calling. 

Just Stop It

Paul Gostanian

Taking a Sabbath is important. In this sermon, we discuss how taking a Sabbath makes us trust God for provision, prepares us for work, reminds us of our priorities, and points others to Jesus. 


Tom Mercer

Health is a tool, not a goal. In this sermon, we discuss how people invite poverty into their lives and how people either blame others, blame circumstances, or accept responsibility. 

Discipline The Value of Physical Fitness

Jeremy McGarity

Throughout life, our physical fitness greatly effects how we live. In this sermon, we discuss how it takes discipline and determination to become physically fit. 

What Does God Say About Our Bodies-VV

Tim Kuhl

God created us in His image and with a purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how God created our bodies to relate, multiply, work, and worship. 

What Does God Say About Our Bodies-AV

Matt Coulombe

God created us in His image and with a purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how God created our bodies to relate, multiply, work, and worship. 

What Does God Say About Our Bodies-HS

Jason Jahn

God created us in His image and with a purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how God created our bodies to relate, multiply, work, and worship. 

What Does God Say About Our Bodies-PH

Brian Haney

God created us in His image and with a purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how God created our bodies to relate, multiply, work, and worship.