Series Detail

2019 Special Services

2/10/2019 - 9/8/2019

Throughout 2019, we have offered a variety of sermons that focus on different topics. Within this series, these sermons focus upon repentance and resistance, following God's plan, handling spiritual ambush, and more. 

In This Series

Following a Better Pattern

Brian Haney

Our broken world continuously tempts Christians to conform to its sinful ways. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians need to seek what pleases God, find satisfaction in His will, and follow what He defines as good. 


Mark Neal

As Christians, our relationship with God makes us alive. In this sermon, we discuss our relationship with God and how Jesus stresses the need to be born again while emphasizing the Gospel. 

God's Resurrection Promise

Tom Mercer

Through the resurrection, God promised a new birth, a living hope, and a secure inheritance. In this sermon, we discuss the promises that accompany the resurrection. 

Hard News: Sanctification

Ricky Jenkins

God is constantly telling Christians to model their lives after Jesus. In this sermon, we discuss why this is important, what is not important, and how this happens. 

Repentance and Resistance

Brian Haney

When a Christian is walking towards God, it is easier to lead others to Him as well. In this sermon, we discuss the characteristics of a mindset that is set on God's Kingdom. 

Greater Things VV

Michael Hinton

Room with a View AV

Matt Coulombe

Your Oikos' Greatest Need HS

Jason Jahn

Cleansed and Strengthened PH

Brian Haney

Avoid a Spiritual Ambush

Tom Mercer

Both fear and carelessness are dangerous for Christians. In this sermon, we discuss how we need to watch out for those who cause division and for those who are proud of themselves.